Saturday, May 22, 2010


England captain Bobby Moore is hoisted by his teammates after an incredible 4-2 extra-time win over West Germany in the 1966 Final at Wembley

IFA were brave to let impoverished Chile be host in 1962 as the country was devastated by an earthquake. Ghana, Morocco, Nigeria and Tunisia all took part in qualifying, with Morocco winning through to a play-off.

With the finals in sight, they lost to Spain, home and away, both by 1-0. Brazil retained much of the 1958 team, and though Pelé limped out early, they beat England 3-1 in the quarterfinal, Chile 4-2 in the semis and the Czechs 3-1 in the Final.

England 1966 signalled the arrival of football as a truly global game, with 600-million watching the tournament on television or listening on radio.

African and Asian sides withdrew in protest at being allocated only one spot, but the star of the show was an African. Eusebio, born in Mozambique, inspired Portugal to third place.

Brazil had only Pelé and Garrincha left from their victorious 1962 team and did not get through the first round. But the biggest shock of all was North Korea's elimination of Italy.

England beat Portugal 2-1 and West Germany defeated the USSR by the same margin to set up a thrilling Final. Germany forced extra-time with a disputed goal before Geoff Hurst became the only man to hit a hat-trick in a FIFA World Cup Final as England won 4-2, though his second goal was hotly contested.

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